Colin Slager

Co-Host of Off The Dome Radio

If you were to tell me that one day I’d be a co-host of a podcast, I probably would’ve started with, “What’s a podcast?”.  After my fair share of trying to figure out what I’m called to do with this life, I’m still trying to figure it out.  However, I’ve luckily found out that I am meant to serve and help others throughout my everyday life, so at least I have a starting point.  I’m currently a Rehabilitative Therapist, co-founder of a digital agency called Dog Developer, and a co-host on The Rundown.  I have a lot more growing, learning, and serving to do, but with this podcast we hope to provide value to help inform, encourage, and inspire different ways of thinking.  Life is not always perfect, but it’s always what you make it.  So make it count, make it memorable, and never let anyone steal your happiness.

Colin Slager has hosted 227 Episodes.