Episode 69: John Sparrow, Founder of GoOil, Canada's Largest Mobile Oil Change Company


July 18th, 2019

1 hr 3 mins 36 secs

Your Hosts
Special Guest

About this Episode

Show Description:

John Sparrow is a Canadian Entrepreneur and Founder of GoOil, Canada's largest mobile oil change company. After dropping out of high school at 16 to begin his entrepreneurial journey, John eventually formulated his idea for GoOil at an entrepreneur competition.

In this conversation, John explains the value behind his business, his vision for the future, difficult lessons he has learned throughout his journey as an entrepreneur, and how to achieve the highest and most unique version of yourself as a business leader.

To find out more about John and his company, visit: Gooil.ca

Show Highlights:

3:30-14:30: John describes the formation of the idea that would become Canada's largest mobile oil change provider, building his team, finding mentors, and becoming a skilled delegator.
14:30-22:45: John explains the business concept of GoOil, the unique value it provides, and how he was able to form a functioning franchise from the idea.
22:45-37:30: John highlights why GoOil has been the most successful out of his 5 business ventures, tough lessons he has learned throughout his entrepreneurial journey, and what it was like to drop out of high school as a 16-year old.
37:30-53:00: John talks about expansion into the American market, quality control with franchises, and the obstacles and competition to overcome in the future.
53:00-1:03:30: In a time with a lot of gurus, courses, and podcasts, John explains what it means to find your own identity as an entrepreneur and foster a healthy mindset in times of adversity.