Episode 47: Meditation in Schools, Scandinavian Airline Strike, Coca-Cola's Unique Marketing Campaign, Avengers, Conquering Fear, Forgiving Yourself, and Inspiring Confidence in Others


April 30th, 2019

1 hr 15 mins 51 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Show Description:

In today's current events section, we dive into meditation replacing detention in an elementary school in Baltimore, the Scandinavian Airlines strike, Coca-Cola's unique "sonic branding" marketing campaign, and the Avengers opening weekend box office success.

We transition into the real life experience section, where Tim discusses how a few geese taught him an important lesson about facing your daily fears, and Slager is learning key life lessons involving loving and forgiving yourself when it comes to relationships.

In book talks, we highlight "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" by Robert Carlson and "Gameplan for Life" by John Wooden. We talk about compassion toward other people's motivations and inspiring confidence in others around you in all types of relationships.

Show Highlights:

5:40-14:10: We recap the weekend of podcast interviews with various business leaders up in Northern Indiana, as well as the "floating" experience at Float Sixty and its benefits.
14:10-18:10: An elementary school in Baltimore, Maryland replaced detention with meditation. We discuss the benefits on the young mind and remarkable results for the school and community.
18:10-25:40: We get into the Scandinavian Airlines strike and its potential business effects, involving cancelled flights, disgruntled customers, and the frustrated pilots who are negotiating a collective bargaining agreement.
25:40-32:10: Coca-Cola is unveiling a new "sonic branding" marketing campaign in Europe, which involves hearing a print ad. We discuss the effects of this unique marketing strategy and how any business can apply it, which leads into a "Mad Men" show review.
32:10-37:40: Avengers' $1.2 billion box office success has the whole world talking, and we explore why and how this movie is doing well.
37:40-51:25: **Tim explains how 3 geese taught him about facing fears, and we dive into strategies on how to approach crucial events and interactions with confidence and comfort.
Colin highlights important lessons about self-love and self-forgiveness he is learning within his relationships. We lay out different strategies you can implement to get your mind right.
1:01:10-1:06:40: Colin reflects on important takeaways from "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff," involving compassion toward other people's motivations and thought processes.
**1:06:40: **Inspired by John Wooden's "Gameplan for Life," Tim talks explains the importance of inspiring confidence in other people