Off The Dome Radio

Naturally Curious

Article 32: Value Time To Yourself

It’s always nice to be surrounded by friends, family, roommates. But it’s also good to spend some alone time with yourself (not like that, ya freaks). Whether it be writing, meditating, taking a bath, watching a movie, going to get food, it’s good for you to be alone at times. It can help you to recharge the batteries and not get distracted by all the noise going on in the world. Put the phone down and check in with yourself.

How are you doing with everything in your life? Meditate and check yourself to recharge and see how you’re feeling with all the things you have going on. With all the people, things, screens that can keep us distracted, it’s good to unplug. Try to do this at least a couple times per week if you can. If you don’t live alone, maybe you enjoy the gym, an art class, working on your car/bike, going on hikes, etc. Whatever it may be, make sure you have your own escapes, or ‘Pockets of Peace’ as Aubrey Marcus would call them.

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Even spending time with family and friends and all the fun things take energy. Not saying there’s anything wrong with those things, but it’s just good to say ‘no’ every once in a while and take some time to yourself.

Hang with yourself, you should be a fun time anyway!