As I’ve had to learn with coaching, you need to make decisions based off the information given and context in which it applies. Look at every angle of the possibilities of what could be going on with that person, program, training, nutrition, etc. What could you not be seeing? Are you looking through other lenses or simply your own?
With any coach, boss, manager, doctor, or even your average cube worker, you need to make decisions. Sometimes these decisions have more weight than others, and sometimes they need to be fast without much time to think about it. You need to become a professional decision maker. If you’re in a role that requires you making decisions frequently, then you need to become good at it.
If you’re indecisive, you can start practicing this through small actions. When you’re going out with friends or somewhere that requires a group to call a Lyft/Uber, then be the one who says you’ll just get it. Don’t play the game where everyone pauses, waits to see who will do it then everyone else easily Venmo. Everyone pitches in, just call the damn ride. Pick the restaurant or bar. If someone doesn’t like it, then ask them for suggestions, but make a call and that at least gets the discussion going rather than the universal “doesn’t matter to me” or “ahh I don’t really care, anywhere is fine.”
Fear of being wrong? Don’t be, because it’s going to happen. You’re not going to shoot 100% with your judgment calls. Some decisions will be wrong, cost money and/or time, upset someone. That’s just the way it is, so expect those things to happen from time to time, but that’s how you become a better decision maker. You’ll never, ever be perfect, so accept that and focus on doing better with each call you make. Get better at evaluating situations from all angles and weighing all possible solutions.
Take control and make things happen. Not making a decision is worse than making the wrong decision.