Off The Dome Radio

Naturally Curious

Article 41: Why Kettlebells are King

If you told me I was only allowed to use one piece/set of equipment for the rest of my life, I would go with kettlebells 10 times out of 10. If you prefer to make things simpler, you’re on the go, want to spice up your functional training, or whatever the case may be, kettlebells (KB’s) can be used in a countless number of ways. Below are just a few of the many reasons that I am so bias towards KB training:

You can literally do anything with them.

You can do your traditional movements like a squat, any presses, and deadlift, but you can also use them to be diverse and more functional. Put it upside and do a single arm shoulder press to challenge shoulder and scapular stability. Do single kettlebell cleans, farmer’s walks, lunges, RDL’s, rows, Turkish Get-Ups, swings, rotational work, the list goes on.

You can be effective with less.

If you don’t have time to get to your gym, go through all the motions and get your full routine in, you can get a solid KB workout in 30 minutes or less. I’ve even read and programmed workouts that are 20 minutes or less. You can combine different movements with a mix of strength and functionality, but still get that heart rate up. This is where you might do a few rounds of a super, triple, or even quadruple set depending on your time and availability.

They’re fun.

If you get tired of the same old machines and movements, first of all change up your programming. But KB’s spice things up a bit. They’re a different type of weight with different forms and techniques for various movements. Using KB’s requires a different type of skill, so it’s fun trying to get good at a new movement or weight and keeps things interesting.

Your strength in your other lifts may increase.

Using them can add a nice change-up to your program, but you might notice your strength go up in your other lifts from using different muscles in different ways and planes of motion with the KB’s. When you train in different planes of motion and challenge muscles in different ways than they’re used to, it’s very likely that you’ll see an increase in gains with your other traditional lifts. Better function, range of motion, and strength in all different movements can only help your body in all other facets. You want to be efficient and effective with any and all movements, not just one. Your body will thank you when you get old.