Episode 104: How to Say No Effectively, Uber's Annual Safety Report, Blue Light Blocking Glasses, "Gamechangers" Documentary Review, Creating Valuable Content, and Optimism Strategies


December 10th, 2019

1 hr 22 mins 17 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Show Description:

In today's episode, we analyze a recent article that lists out the three most effective and polite ways to say no and turn down an invitation. We also get into the recent safety report released by Uber, and offer up safe ways to protect yourself when riding in your own car or with a service.

In real life experience, Tim talks about getting new blue light blocking glasses, which goes into a discussion about the benefits of these toward sleep. Slager provides an in-depth analysis on the recent Netflix documentary "Gamechangers", and he also talks about his experience in meeting with his very first nutrition client.

In book talk, Slager discusses the importance of content and providing value first, reflecting on Gary Vaynerchuk's podcast and book "Crush It." Tim then gives a helpful strategy in practicing optimism, highlighting a book written by the founders of the clothing company "Life is Good," Bert and John Jacobs.

Show Highlights:

3:45-10:15: We get into a quick weekend recap, as Tim talks about his trip to the historic Shawnee Inn in Pennsylvania, and Slager discusses his upcoming trip to Durango, Colorado.
10:15-23:45: Slager earned his first nutrition client, so he explains how the first meeting went, and then we dive into some helpful tips for healthy eating while traveling.
23:45-31:45: Analyzing a recent article by a productivity expert, Tim highlights three effective and polite ways to say no and turn down an invitation.
31:45-43:15: Uber releases its annual safety report, with Lyft's still to come, so we discuss the safety concerns with Uber and offer some helpful tips when traveling through a riding service, or by yourself.
43:15-53:30: Tim is getting blue light blocking glasses, so we talk about the benefits of these and how they help you sleep better.
53:30-1:11:15: Slager provides an in-depth review and analysis on the Netflix Documentary "Gamechangers," adding research-based facts to certain areas of the film.
1:11:15-1:15:15: Expanding on takeaways from Gary Vaynerchuk's podcast, as well as his book "Crush It," Slager talks about the importance of creating content and giving value first.
1:15:15-1:19:45: To end the show, Tim highlights an important strategy to practice optimism, reflecting on his new book that he started by the founders of "Life is Good, Bert and John Jacobs".