Off The Dome Radio

Naturally Curious

Article 20: Start Small and Consistent

Just getting back into the gym? Or just starting out on an exercise routine? Start small and consistent.

Don’t try to tackle Everest off the bat. Get the smaller victories first. Whether you’re just starting out, or getting back from being off a couple weeks, start small. Get 2-3 days in, don’t take intensity to high, and make sure you’re not getting sore to the point where you can’t move. Get your mojo back and start with being consistent. When you can maintain a good workout routine and get to the point of enjoyment and good habit, then you can determine what more you can add to fit your lifestyle.

When you’re just starting out, don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. Just start with a solid routine which is realistic to maintain within your weekly lifestyle. Get to the point to where you enjoy that time in your day. Try different things, seek help if needed, research things, but don’t try to overcomplicate it. Make sure you create good, proper skills with foundational movements such as the deadlift, squat, chest and shoulder presses. But create a sense of consistency. That’s when you notice results.

Start small. Try full body workouts 2-3 times per week and go from there. Make sure you have foundational movements in there, but also make sure you’re enjoying it. For it to be a true lifestyle change, you can’t hate it. Yes, it will be hard, and at times you won’t want to go, and like anything, it will test you. But that’s the beautiful part that comes with it, it still has its mental pieces that come with it. Physically and mentally challenge and improve yourself. Strengthen those areas and it will benefit many other parts of your life.

Start small and consistent.